
The vision of Internal Audit is to be an independent and respected function that actively supports the                                        University objectives by delivering high quality, results oriented, independent internal audit services that benefit our stakeholders by improving operations, increasing efficiency and reducing risk.

Mission of Internal Audit

The mission of the office of internal Audit is to provide an independent appraisal which examines and evaluates University operations as a service to university management. Internal audit examines and evaluates university activities, furnishes management with objectives, Timely accurate analysis; develops recommendations; counsels; and provides information regarding university activities.

Internal Audit performs audits in all areas of the university and has full and complete access to all records to audit process.

Objectives of Internal Audit

The internal Audit Department conducts independent reviews and appraisals of the university procedures and operations. These reviews provide management with an independent appraisal of the effectiveness of various operations and systems of control by seeking to:

  • Evaluate the adequacy of the internal control structure.
  • Assess compliance with written policies, procedure, laws and regulation.
  • Evaluate the reliability of information reporting system for financial and other operating      data.
  •       Verify the existence of assets and ensure proper safeguards for their protection. Investigate reported Frauds, embezzlement etc. and recommend controls to prevent and detect such occurrence.
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